Start Here: Aspiring Board Member
Welcome to Get on Board Australia. The place for you to learn how to survive and thrive in the Boardroom and be a standout board member.
Do you want to start a successful board career?
You have to start somewhere. And that somewhere is here. Get on Board Australia was started to meet the needs of aspiring company directors and board members from all professional backgrounds and all types of industries (public, private, NFP, sporting organisations and clubs, etc.).
Everything that we do at Get on Board is geared towards developing your corporate governance, business, strategic and financial knowledge. We do this through regularly sharing relevant information via our blog, podcast, social media, and delivering online courses to best prepare you for your board career.
My journey to the boardroom
I have been sitting on boards since 2009. In 2011, after a career in the Sydney corporate sector, I moved to Adelaide and joined my first two ‘formal boards’ – a not-for-profit and a publicly listed organisation. In addition to these boards I have held board positions on a charitable foundation, a national olympic sporting organisation, and a privately-owned registered training organisation.
When I started my board career I realised that there weren’t many education and development options for new and aspiring board members; the only options available were way too expensive, particularly for volunteer directors.
I decided it was time to create something new, and specifically designed for people like you and me. Something for those future leaders who are at the start of their board careers and need some formal education and to learn some tips and tricks from experts and from the experiences of others in the same situation. Get on Board Australia is the outcome of that motivation.
What Do You Need Help With?
Most aspiring board members don’t know where to start when it comes to finding a board seat, or quite understand what it means to be a board member and/or company director.
Below are some links to help you get started:
What Most People Don't Know About Becoming a Board Member
Applying and Interviewing for Board Positions
Need more hands-on board resume help?
Check out our new board resume writing course today.
I trust that you’ll find Get on Board Australia to be a beneficial resource for you as you build your board career. I invite you to join the Board Talk community on Facebook where you can connect with other aspiring board members, attend live masterclasses, and get direct support on your board journey. I look forward to connecting with you there.