How High Performers can Articulate their Value to Potential Boards | Ep. 84

Board Shorts Podcast

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Most aspiring and emerging board members would describe themselves as a high performer. If you’re listening to this podcast, I would suspect that you would lean more towards high performing than not. All this to say, this episode is for you if you’re an aspiring board member (whether you want to join your first board, or you’re looking to take the step up to larger organisations, more sophisticated Boards, or into a paid board role).

My dear friend, Mark Gregory, has spent many years of his career working with high-performers like you; supporting them to transition into roles that they aspire to be in, whether as a student looking for their first career move, an elite athlete transitioning into life after sport, or supporting a seasoned professional into their next career evolution. I invited him onto the Board Shorts Podcast to talk about the process he uses to help people ‘see the label from inside the jar’, as he puts it. Like most of our conversations, we like to break up the seriousness with the occasional joke or segue into a totally different topic. Nonetheless, Mark always brings us back to the main point and makes it clear with colourful stories and analogies that we can all relate to.

About Mark Gregory

From a foundation in the UK Banking / Finance sector, with forays into Outdoor Pursuits and Expedition Training, his experience is strongly focused on the assessment and development of both individuals and groups. Since arriving in Australia, in 1996, Mark has developed links across community and commercial networks, assisting and managing a range of innovative programs.

Having graduated with a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology), from Flinders University, Mark is able to draw from robust frameworks whilst reflecting on extensive workplace experience. His Career Development roles continue his passion for navigating individuals through career decisions, ensuring they have tools and resources tailored to their chosen field. Working across high school and tertiary contexts gives Mark a full understanding of education and employment pathways, in a complex and dynamic labour market. Supporting Students from equity groups provided an opportunity to collaborate with both student support services and Employers.

Since 2015 Mark has supported over 250 elite Athletes across two Olympic/Paralympic cycles, a home Commonwealth Games, and multiple World Championships.



Links Mentioned in the Episode

Get on Board Australia Courses


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