Boardroom Insider of the Month with Sunita Miranda | Ep. 35

As part of diversity month, I have invited Sunita Miranda onto the podcast to have her share her experiences in the boardroom as a young female of Indian ethnicity with an expertise in marketing and communications.

Sunita has served on boards for nearly 13 years, starting, like many of us, in the NFP sector while working full time and with a young family.

Sunita is a testament to sharing your career goals with your partner so that you’re all working together, why it’s critical as a board member (current or aspiring) to always be educating yourself, and the simple and practical way a board can approach improving its diversity.

About Sunita

Sunita Miranda is an experienced board director with over 12 years of directorship experience on Not For Profit boards, which have ranged from early education and women’s rights organisations to disability service organisations. Sunita has an Indian ethnicity and brings her multicultural diversity to the boardroom with great flair. A senior marketing and communications consultant with over 15+ years’ experience, Sunita finds herself mainly operating in the human services sector. Sunita owns a communications and marketing agency and loves managing high-impact, national marketing projects that support social, health-related or multicultural causes. Sunita holds a Bachelor in Arts (Sociology and Journalism), a Master in Arts (English Literature) and a very recent MBA.

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